Jaguar's Story
Streak's Pic


Temra's pic
Ninja Pic
Silver Streak
Twin Dragon RP
Dragon of White Fire
Blazing Jaguar
Food Chain comic
Jaguar 2X
Dusty's Pic
Streak's Pic
Lara-Su's Pic
Ryu's Pic
Taila's Pic
Silver's Pic
Links Page
Raging Jaguar
Sonic Ultra
Sonic Ultra page 1
Comic page
The Eye of the Tiger part I
Ryan Pic
Spirit Armor Pic
Information on Sonic games
Kara Pic
Contact Me


larger version

Here's a pic of a character for a comic series I'm thinking about writing. I call him Streak, not to be confused with SA's Streak, which could save you hundreds on car insurance, j/k. Anyway Streaks is one of the 5 new freedom fighters in a fanfic series I'm writing, his elemental ring, is the ring of fire. The character Streaks is copyrighted to me. More info on him and the others later.